What is a High Resolution Imagery Based Geospatial Data Inventory?
For utilities that already have detailed system data that has been maintained , a High Resolution Imagery Based Geospatial Data Inventory project may be a cost effective means to provide better digital maps. High Resolution Imagery Based Geospatial Data Inventory is the process of using high resolution imagery to provide a geospatial inventory a system that may otherwise have generally correct facilities information.
Would High Resolution Imagery Based Geospatial Data Inventory be a good option for my utility?
A High Resolution Imagery Based Geospatial Data Inventory is a great option for utilities that have a complete digitized system with an existing electrical connectivity model, such as Milsoft's WindMil EA Model. Symbiosa is experienced in professionally analyzing these situations, maintaining the connectivity and providing a High Resolution Imagery Based Geospatial Data Inventory of the system data.